Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bang, Clunk, Smack, Whirrrrrrrr....

If you stop by the library over the next while, you may hear some interesting noises creeping up from the basement. While our crew in the Pennsylvania Room can be rather lively, the noises are not a wild conga party. Instead what you are hearing are the sounds of our basement being renovated! It happens. We reach a certain point in our being when we need a little work done to freshen us up. Several years ago, the upper floors received a huge make-over. Now the basement is taking a turn and finding its moment to shine. We are hoping to upload photos daily to our album on Facebook showing you the progress being made.

So, if you walk in the library and hear a sound that reminds you of the dentists office, don't panic!  We promise that no dental practices have moved in.

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