Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Class Reunion causes freak exercising routine to form

Ok, so my 20-year class reunion is only two months away, and I'm thinking now is the perfect time to get into shape! Right? I mean, why wait until the last minute? Thankfully, my YMCA membership is still current so I can work out in their gym a few days a week. But that started me thinking - what if I didn't have a Y Membership? Then what? Then it clicked, I would do what our library patrons would do... ask myself about some books or DVDs on getting physically fit!

Here's the end result:

Living well : 21 days to transform your life, supercharge your health, and feel spectacular by Montel Williams

Get wet, get fit : the complete guide to getting a swimmer's body by Megan Quann Jendrick

Walking for fitness : the beginner's handbook by Marnie Caron

Fitness instructor's handbook : a complete guide to health and fitness by Morc Coulson

Do you prefer working out with a DVD? If so, try one of these:

Cardio Salsa

Yoga Zone conditioning and stress release : beginners

Pilates workout for dummies

And for those who prefer to get their excerise from "The Great Outdoors":

Conditioning for outdoor fitness : functional exercise and nutrition for every body by David Musnick

60 hikes within 60 miles, Pittsburgh : including Allegheny and surrounding counties by Donna Ruff

This is just a sample of the books and DVDs that can be found in the Ligonier library's collection, not including the other 19 libraries in our system. To find more titles, browse the online catalog or stop in and ask us for help... and get into shape for your own special occasion.

(As with any exercise program, always remember to check with a physician before starting.)

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