Monday, March 22, 2010

Books We Remember

Diane recently published a great post on the Ligonier Living Blog that I wanted to share with you. Her post, "Books we remember ... A Tree Grows in Brooklyn," is a request for readers to talk about what books left an impression on them.

So, what book or books have left a lasting impression on your life? Did a book inspire you to take a trip you have always contemplated, or, better yet, you never contemplated until having read the book? Did an author manage to change your perspective on life or an issue or a philosophy? Did you discover something about yourself?

Share with us!

[Read Diane's Post]

Friday, March 12, 2010

Time Change

While we all had fun breaking nearly every snowfall record for our area in February, it's time to move toward more spring-like weather. Although it is Pennsylvania, so anything is possible. As your mind shifts toward Spring, don't forget to stop by the library to check out books on gardening, hiking and so much more.

Speaking of Spring, this Sunday (3/14) we shift to Daylight Savings. So don't forget to set your clocks ahead an hour before going to bed Saturday night!

Stay warm, dry and... Happy Reading!